We lost a very close and dear friend last October to a horrible battle with cancer. He was a lover of life, people and was a a prime example of living life to the fullest. The way he touched his students and inspired them to love learning. Passing on his love of surfing and turning a group of students into a winning surf team. Taking his family to see the world or taking chances in his last days to serve the God he loved. He was one of those friends who always lifted you up, and wanted what was best for you, and was willing to tell you what he thought whether you wanted to hear it or not. His zest for life was infectious.
Tonight we celebrated his life. A lover of the ocean and the surf, he wanted a simple paddle out. To have his ashes spread in his beloved ocean. What began as a simple ceremony with just some close friends and family became a huge celebration. Standing on that beach and watching the army of surfboards arrive was nothing less than touching. Groups and groups of students, teachers, parents and friends. All coming to celebrate the life of one man and how he touched them.
I stood on the beach with my camera in hand at sunset, watching all of those people head out to the break line to send our friend off on his final surf. They entered the water separate, at their own pace, but at one point they all gathered together, in the distance under the setting sun. Spreading ashes, laying flowers on the water as the waves passed around them. I couldn't help but smile. There was no one who could motivate a group to work together like Keith Michael, and here, as we celebrated his life, he was still motivating them to work together.
I had expected this evening to be one of sadness, tears and a final goodbye. I was so very wrong. It was a night of laughter, joy, reflection and community. I was reminded as I watched his wife, one of the few people on this earth I call a close friend of mine, hug their daughter in the surf, of just how precious each moment we have with the people that we care for really is, and it reinforces to me how important it is to me to keep looking for those pure moments. After they parted, I joined my friend at the shore and hugged her tight. Reminding her just how much she meant to me.
I want to remember what it was like to be in Keith's presence when he was on a roll, living life to the fullest. You couldn't wait to join the ride. I read recently that people may not remember what it is you said, but they will remember how you made them feel. That is how I want to be remembered. Celebrating what the people in my life mean to me, and making them feel so very special.
1 comment:
wow - what a beautiful and moving tribute I bet that was. I got tingles just reading it. I can't only imagine the overwhelming love and emotion to actually be there, witnessing and being a part of it all.
Thank you for sharing yet another pure moment.
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